Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Yeah, I bet that title caught your attention.
To be honest, I am tired and not really in the mood for a devo right now. I was just about to crawl into bed after hours spent sitting on the couch listening to "Thank you for voting for contestant num---click" and pressing 'redial'.

The program's title is really quite fitting: "American Idol"
We don't usually think of things in our lives as 'idols', but when faced with the decision of wasting time instead of doing a Bible study, which do I choose? Where is my heart and my joy...? Is it in a life-altering moment with my Savior or the "Season Finale" of a television show?

Should I care who is
smarter than a fifth grader,
doesn't 'forget the lyrics',
makes it off the island,
gets the music contract,
or receives 'the final rose'?

I would rather care about
an intimate relationship with Christ,
developing godly friendships,
and bringing God glory in all I do.

Lord, help me see when I am wrong. Forgive my MANY faults and skewed priorities. Let me remember that you ALONE offer freedom and forgiveness. Your grace is SUFFICIENT for me, for YOUR power is made perfect in weakness. Oh, how weak is my flesh, Father...let YOUR power and strength make me perfect IN YOU.

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